
Find Words For Scrabble Finds the Best Words to Become a Better Player

Find Words For Scrabble is a free online tool that is very useful and easy to use.  You can find any Scrabble word to help you next time you are stuck in a bind during gameplay.  You can also begin learning new words and memorizing important Scrabble word lists so that you can become an advanced player.  Not only will your Scrabble game score improve, but you will also expand your vocabulary by learning new words and their definitions.   Find Words For Scrabble also checks if your word is valid for Scrabble gameplay in addition to providing a detailed analysis of the word for your reference.  These are just a few of the many features of this helpful word finder for Scrabble game players.

Your Rack :
(Use ?s for Blank Tiles.)

Prefix :       or and      Suffix :

or Anywhere :


  1. From the drop down menu, select the appropriate dictionary depending on which game you are playing and where (which country) you are playing from–TWL06, SOWPODS, OSPD4, ENABLE, OWL2.
  2. In the RACK box, enter your letters to find the best possible word by clicking on SEARCH.  Use a question mark to designate a blank tile.
  3. If you want to use a specific beginning or ending for a word by using existing letters on the board, enter the letter or set of letters that your word must begin or end with in the PREFIX or SUFFIX box accordingly.
  4. Select SCORE to filter results by maximum point value, or select LENGTH to filter results by the number of letters in a word.